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Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, as quoted by Alie Christensen

Do you have premium artwork in digital or physical format, with unique concept and style? Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Do you want to be promoted by marketing communications professionals with ties to the cryptospace and its influencers?

NsG is actively scouting for talent in digital arts, photography, music and traditional art forms such as painting and sculpture, which can also be minted and offered as NFT. We also work with brands for engaging customers in next generation and immersive ways.

Whether you are already familiar with NFTs and cryptocurrencies or new to the NFT scene, we can help you boost your artwork and chances of success.

Our all-inclusive service includes:

Defining or refining the concept and story of your works and your artist profile • Creating a client-specific crytocurrency wallet for your NFTs • Minting your art as unique pieces stored in the blockchain for eternity • Featuring you and your art at our gallery • Promoting your collection and individual artworks on Instagram, Twitter and to our network of NFT and cryptocurrency enthusiasts • Selling your artwork on NFT market places and managing transactions • Generating publicity for your success!

Promotion by NsG is risk-free for the talent. We bear the risks & upfront costs and take care of all promotion without any hidden fees. We get reimbursed and take our commission only from successful NFT sales. Our commission is negotiated on artist-by-artist basis and every aspect of our service & representation is agreed upon in detail with tailored NsG agreements.

Interested? Don’t hesitate to contact us at

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